Organizational Cultural Competence

Organizational Cultural Competence

On the organizational level, cultural competence requires that organizations have the capacity to value diversity, conduct self assessments, manage the dynamics of difference, acquire and institutionalize cultural knowledge, and adapt to the diversity and cultural contexts of the individuals and communities they serve.

In assessing organizational competence, some questions that organizations must ask themselves are:

• Are there policies in place to ensure equitable hiring practices?
• Does our staff represent the community we serve?
• Have we considered whether our location, office hours, etc. make it possible for all to utilize our services?
• Are brochures produced in the languages of the families we serve?
• Are our waiting rooms inviting, with pictures of children and families of all ethnicities?
• Do we have representatives from the community on our boards or advisory groups?
• Do we have institutionalized cultural knowledge in our service delivery framework?
• Are our diagnostic tools culturally and linguistically competent?
• Have we modified our interventions to the cultural groups we serve?